Happiness sign

Hi there. My name is No-Secrets, but you can call me Trish 😄. I am writing my blog as a platform to inspire, motivate and help readers like yourself, with tips on letting go, using your voice, spreading your wings, choosing you, and going for the life you want (Cheat Codes). I am passionate about writing and encouraging others, so this is my way of motivating people to make their one life, their best life. I am creative and I have plenty to share, you will find me interesting. I promise 😉.

He’s got the whole world in his hands… I’m going to link Jesus having the whole world in his hands, to us, having the whole world at our disposal. Possibilities is not just a long ‘P’ word, it’s the likelihood of being whoever you want to be, going wherever you want to go and doing whatever you want to do. Personally, 12 years ago I told myself that someday I will be great. Despite growing up as a sheltered and shy small island girl, I never saw myself as a self-financed frequent flyer and graduating with a Banking and Finance degree; hell, I failed math twice in high school before I finally passed. But when you feel greatness, It’s not enough to just tell yourself, you gotta remind yourself, act on it, cry about it, pray about it. Don’t stop until you get what you say want (except if it’s a girl or guy, lol life doesn’t necessarily work that way with people, but pssshhh, don’t just take my word for it, you can still try).

Weigh your possibilities. Here’s a few tips on what it takes to take calculating risks:

  1.  Don’t let your past hold you back (whether you grew up wealthy or struggling, happy or depressed). Your past doesn’t define you. Your present does. Shedding your past is no easy task, trust me, I know, but hate it enough to push you to have a better future. Push through with those tears in your eyes. It will be worth it.
  2. At your age (however old you are), It’s okay if you are not exactly where you want to be right now. Everybody runs a different race in life. Stop stressing over not starting college yet, not being married yet, still living with your parents, not working in your dream job. There’s a popular saying that says “You can have it all”. In my opinion, you can’t. We are all human beings and no human being is perfect. No one lives a perfect life. So, it’s good to want to be close to perfect, but it’s a non-realistic expectation. So, allow yourself to breathe more and tackle your future from a different end zone.
  3. Do what you fear most. Get out of your comfort zone. If your gut keeps on telling you to visit China. Go, get your visa, book that ticket and go there. We cannot level up if we always want to be in our comfort zones. We cannot move, if we always just want to be in our boxes. At some point we’re gonna want to break out of it and maybe when we finally decide to, it may just be too late and then sadly, we’re just stuck. But right now, if your situation isn’t forcing you to grow. You must force yourself to, challenge yourself and level up.
  4. Drop negative/toxic people and if its not possible to drop them because they may be a family member. Don’t engage with them or spend too much time around them. Often, people with negative energies can affect others around them, without the person even knowing. And this negative person’s energy is sometimes so strong where it can be psychologically and emotionally draining. Recognize people with this kind of energy and resist as much as you can.

Pray for the life you want. Speak it into being. Speak positivity over your life.

I hope you find these tips helpful😘. Here to Help.
